- Section 257.801 - Registration taxes on vehicle; schedules; exemption from ad valorem taxes on vehicles in stock or bond; increase and disposition of certain taxes; late fee; waiver; taxes and revenues relating to regional transit authority; historic vehicle; fee increase on vehicle using 4 or more tires; increase in fees; definitions
- Section 257.801a - Registration fees; portable feed mills or mixers
- Section 257.801b - Refund of specific tax paid in error; refund of dealer license fees; refund on and return of registration plates or tabs; refund in case of original application for certain registration plates; refund or credit for plates issued under MCL 257.801g
- Section 257.801c - Nonpayment of check or draft for fee or tax on vehicle; liability; penalties; collection of delinquent accounts
- Section 257.801d - [Repealed]
- Section 257.801e - Moped; application for registration; form; signature; fee; issuance and contents of certificate of registration; insurance; size, legibility, and inspection of certificate; issuance and display of decal; rules; certificate of registration for use in testing or demonstrating moped; duration of registration
- Section 257.801f - Moped; notice of destruction or abandonment; surrender and cancellation of certificate of registration; notice of change of address; transfer of certificate; fee; duration of registration; duplicate certificate
- Section 257.801g - Apportionment of fee under international registration plan if permitted by reciprocal compact, agreement, or other arrangement; definition; issuance of registration plate and cab card upon payment of apportioned fee; purchase of annual international registration plan plates; service fee; notice; effect of late payment; effect of surrendering or not surrendering registration plate; temporary registration
- Section 257.801h - Fleet registration; application; issuance and display of registration plates; tax; late fee; adding or deleting registration; ineligible vehicle; determination of owner's compliance
- Section 257.801i - Issuance of registration for more than 1 period
- Section 257.801j - Additional tax charged by regional transit authority
- Section 257.801k - Late fees; exception for certain vehicles in pandemic; adequate in-person services
- Section 257.802 - Special registration; registration of commercial vehicles and special mobile equipment; temporary registration plates or markers; tax rates, fees, and service charges; deposit of service fees
- Section 257.802a - Temporary permits; collection and disposition of fee; bulk sales to agents
- Section 257.803 - Special plates for manufacturer, transporter, or dealer; fees
- Section 257.803a - [Effective Until 10/8/2025] Issuance of historic vehicle registration plate or registration tab; fee; certification; registration certificate; registration transferable; expiration or revocation of registration
- Section 257.803a - [Effective 10/8/2025] Issuance of historic vehicle registration plate or registration tab; fee; certification; registration certificate; registration transferable; expiration or revocation of registration
- Section 257.803b - [Effective Until 10/8/2025] Personalized registration plate; use; letters and numbers; material; duplication prohibited; submission of application; payment, disposition, and use of service fee; expiration date; letters and numbers given to different person in subsequent year; other sequence of letters and numbers; temporary permit
- Section 257.803b - [Effective 10/8/2025] Personalized registration plate; use; letters and numbers; material; duplication prohibited; submission of application; payment, disposition, and use of service fee; expiration date; letters and numbers given to different person in subsequent year; other sequence of letters and numbers; temporary permit
- Section 257.803c - Personalized registration plates; confiscation for improper use
- Section 257.803d - Special registration plates for disabled persons or for vehicles used to transport disabled persons; inscription; statements; fees; application; violation; penalty; "disabled person" defined
- Section 257.803e - Special registration plate; inscription; application; form; proof; issuance of plate; exemption; misdemeanor; expiration of plate; application for renewal; "blue star family member" and "gold star family member" defined
- Section 257.803f - [Effective Until 4/2/2025] Special registration plates for totally disabled veterans and surviving spouses; inscription; application; form; service fee prohibited; proof; tax exemption; expiration of plates; renewal; tab for persons with disabilities; misdemeanor
- Section 257.803f - [Effective 4/2/2025] Special registration plates for totally disabled veterans and surviving spouses; inscription; application; form; service fee prohibited; proof; tax exemption; expiration of plates; renewal; tab for persons with disabilities; misdemeanor
- Section 257.803g - Special registration for member of congress from Michigan; issuance; expiration; fee
- Section 257.803h - Tab for persons with disabilities; "disabled person" defined
- Section 257.803i - Special registration plate for member of National Guard, military reserve, or armed forces; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal
- Section 257.803j - Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of armed forces during Korean War; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal
- Section 257.803k - Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of armed forces during Vietnam War; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal
- Section 257.803l - Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of armed forces during World War II; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal
- Section 257.803m - Special organization plates
- Section 257.803n - Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of National Guard, reserve, or branch of armed forces during Persian Gulf War or conflicts in Grenada, Panama, or Lebanon; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal
- Section 257.803o - Special registration plate for member or spouse of member of National Guard, reserve, or branch of armed forces called to active duty during declared war or armed conflict; display of vignette; inscription; application form; proof; issuance; tab for persons with disabilities; tax; misdemeanor; expiration; renewal
- Section 257.803p - Authentic Michigan registration plate; fee; certification; registration certificate; transferability; validity; revocation of registration
- Section 257.803q - Special registration plate; "honorary consul" designation; fee; tax; prohibited use; violation as misdemeanor; expiration; status or immunity
- Section 257.803r - Service fees; deposit into transportation administration collection fund
- Section 257.803s - Legacy registration plates; application; fees
- Section 257.803t - [Effective 4/2/2025] Special "Merchant Marine" registration plate
- Section 257.803u - [Effective 11/10/2025] Special registration for woman veteran; issuance; expiration
- Section 257.804 - Fee for distinctive or commemorative plate and duplicate or replacement license plate; deposit into transportation administration collection fund
- Section 257.805 - Application for issuance or renewal of motor vehicle registration or replacement registration tab or sticker; recreation passport fee; format and language of motor vehicle application; transfer of revenue; adjustment of amounts in subsection (1); annual review; registration tab or sticker; payment as personal information; definitions