Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 257.627 - Speed limits
- Section 257.627a - "Regularly scheduled school session, " "school, " and "school zone" defined; speed limit on highway segment in school zone; time period; exception; state trunk line highway or county highway; school in session year-round; signs; violation as civil infraction
- Section 257.627b - [Repealed]
- Section 257.627c - [Effective 4/2/2025] Installation and use of automated speed enforcement systems in work zones; violations; report to legislature
- Section 257.628 - Maximum or minimum speed limit; determination; petition by township board; modified speed limit; public record of traffic control order; speed limit signs, signals, or devices; violation as civil infraction; definitions
- Section 257.628a - [Repealed]
- Section 257.628b - Maximum speed in certain political subdivisions; vehicle, bicycle or other device; snowmobile exception; violation as civil infraction
- Section 257.629 - [Repealed]
- Section 257.629a - County traffic safety organization; creation, appropriation
- Section 257.629b - Reduction of maximum speed limit; violation as civil infraction
- Section 257.629c - Points and minimum fine; schedule; applicability of subsection (1)
- Section 257.629d - [Repealed]
- Section 257.629e - Levy, transmittal, and disposition of assessments; annual report; highway safety fund, jail reimbursement program fund, secondary road patrol and training fund; creation; administration; use of money collected; annual report
- Section 257.630 - [Repealed]
- Section 257.631 - Public bridge, causeway, or viaduct; maximum speed, load, or gross weight; violation as civil infraction; assessment of civil fine; exceptions; determination of civil fine; determination of gross weight; investigation; signs; evidence
- Section 257.632 - Exemption from speed limitations; police vehicles, fire department or fire patrol vehicles, and ambulances; conditions
- Section 257.633 - Violation of speed limit; specifications in complaint, citation, summons, or notice; burden of proof