- Section 257.601 - Applicability of chapter to operations on highways; exceptions
- Section 257.601a - Private road open to general public; contract; enforcement of act; cost and posting of signs; contracts not affected; "private road that is open to the general public" defined
- Section 257.601b - Moving violation in work zone, emergency scene, school zone, or school bus zone; penalties; exceptions; definitions
- Section 257.601c - Moving violation causing injury or death to person operating implement of husbandry on highway
- Section 257.601d - Person who commits moving violation that is the proximate cause of death of another person or serious impairment of body function; penalty; other violations; "moving violation" defined
- Section 257.602 - Compliance with order or direction of police officer
- Section 257.602a - Failure to stop at signal of police or conservation officer; penalty; subsection (1) inapplicable unless officer in uniform and vehicle identified; violation of subsection (1) as felony; conviction for conduct arising out of same transaction; "serious injury" defined
- Section 257.602b - Holding or using a mobile electronic device while operating a motor vehicle; prohibited; exception for commercial motor vehicle and school bus; "use a mobile electronic device" defined; situational exceptions; violation as civil infraction; fine; local ordinances superseded; multiple violations penalty and enforcement; sunset applicability; definitions
- Section 257.602c - Individual issued level 1 or 2 graduated license; use of cellular telephone prohibited; exceptions; violation as civil infraction; local ordinance; report; "Kelsey's Law."
- Section 257.603 - Applicability of chapter to government vehicles; exemption of authorized emergency vehicles; conditions; exemption of police vehicles not sounding audible signal; exemption of persons, vehicles, and equipment working on surface of highway
- Section 257.604 - Riding animal or driving animal-drawn vehicle on roadway; rights and duties
- Section 257.605 - Applicability and uniformity of provisions; local laws and regulations; payment and allocation of civil fines; issuance of more than 1 citation; equipment violations; "local law" defined
- Section 257.606 - Regulation of streets or highways under jurisdiction of local authority and within reasonable exercise of police power; accepted engineering practices as basis for regulations; stop sign or traffic control device requiring state trunk line highway traffic to stop; approval; posting signs giving notice of local traffic regulations; providing by ordinance for impounding of motor vehicle parked contrary to local ordinance; bond or cash deposit
- Section 257.606a - Maintenance of highway by state or local government; duty; immunity from tort liability; exception
- Section 257.606b - On-demand automated motor vehicle network; operation
- Section 257.607 - Realty owners' regulation of traffic on private property