- Section 257.252 - Reports of stolen and recovered vehicles
- Section 257.252a - Abandoned vehicle; presumption of responsibility; violation; penalty; "abandoned vehicle" defined; notice; duties of police agency; contest by owner; hearing; request; fee; towing and storage charges; secured party; obtaining release of vehicle; inspection; public sale; inability to determine ownership of abandoned vehicle; entry into law enforcement information network
- Section 257.252b - Registered and unregistered abandoned scrap vehicles; duties of police agency; release of vehicle; certificate of title or certificate of scrapping; release form; retention of records and photographs; taking registered abandoned scrap vehicle into custody; contest by registered owner; hearing; request; obtaining release of vehicle; fee
- Section 257.252c - [Repealed]
- Section 257.252d - Removal of vehicle from public or private property to place of safekeeping; circumstances; arrival of owner or legally entitled person; duties of police agency; release of vehicle; entry of vehicle as abandoned
- Section 257.252e - Jurisdiction to determine propriety of police, towing agency or custodian, or private owner action; venue in district court; use of bond to pay towing or storage fees; exclusive remedies
- Section 257.252f - Filing petition; duties of court; hearing; notice; burden; decision; district court magistrate; appeal
- Section 257.252g - Manner of conducting public sale; application of money received; priority; absence of bidders; acquisition of distressed vehicle; application for salvage certificate of title; canceling entry in law enforcement information network; obtaining original bill of sale
- Section 257.252h - Abandoned vehicle fund; creation; sources of funding; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining in fund; expenditures
- Section 257.252i - Towing and storage fees
- Section 257.252j - Abandoned vehicles; number and placement of vehicles on private property
- Section 257.252k - Towing or removing vehicle without owner's consent; notice; requirements
- Section 257.252l - Applicability of MCL 257.252k
- Section 257.252m - Notification of civil fines and sanctions
- Section 257.253 - Report of stolen vehicle; filing; transferring certificate of title; record of stolen or abandoned vehicles not reported or recovered; availability; reports by other states of stolen and recovered vehicles; abandoned vehicle; notification of owner and lienholder
- Section 257.254 - False statement in application for certificate of title or in assignment of title; possession of stolen vehicle; penalties