Section 247.781 - DefinitionsAs used in this act:
(a) "Corrective action plan" means a plan developed by a rail transit agency that describes the actions that the rail transit agency will take to minimize, control, correct, or eliminate risks or hazards, and the schedule for taking those actions.(b) "Covered rail fixed guideway public transportation system" means a transit system operating within this state that is subject to the state safety oversight requirements under 49 CFR 659 and 49 CFR 674.(c) "Department" means the state transportation department.(d) "Hazard" means a real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death; damage to or loss of facilities, equipment, rolling stock, or infrastructure of a rail fixed guideway public transportation system; or damage to the environment.(e) "Investigation" means a process of determining the causal and contributing factors of an accident, incident, or hazard to prevent recurrence and mitigate risk.(f) "Rail fixed guideway public transportation system" means a fixed guideway system, including a fixed guideway system that is in the process of engineering or construction, that uses rail, is operated for the purpose of public transportation, is within the jurisdiction of a state, and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Railroad Administration. Rail fixed guideway public transportation system includes, but is not limited to, a rapid rail, heavy rail, light rail, monorail, trolley, streetcar, inclined plane, funicular, and automated guideway system.(g) "Rail transit agency" means an entity that provides services on a rail fixed guideway public transportation system.(h) "State safety oversight entity" means the office of rail within the state transportation department designated under section 5.Added by 2018, Act 63,s 1, eff. 6/12/2018.