- Section 206.981 - Short title
- Section 206.982 - Definitions
- Section 206.983 - Michigan ABLE savings program; establishment; program manager; purposes, powers, and duties of state treasurer or designee; selection of program managers; proposals; factors; duties of treasurer and program manager; contract
- Section 206.984 - Management contract; supervision
- Section 206.985 - Management contract; term of years; termination
- Section 206.986 - Contracts as necessary and proper
- Section 206.987 - ABLE savings accounts; establishment; opening of account by individual or designated representative; agreement; form; contents; contributions; exemption from creditor process; distributions; separate accounting
- Section 206.988 - Changes in account owners or designated beneficiaries; transfers
- Section 206.989 - Directing investment of contributions in violation of internal revenue code; prohibition; administrative services; use of interest as loan security
- Section 206.990 - Maximum account balance limit
- Section 206.991 - Submission of certain information to internal revenue service, department, and account owner
- Section 206.992 - Disclosure of information to account owner and other person requesting information
- Section 206.993 - Construction and interpretation of act and agreement
- Section 206.994 - State obligation
- Section 206.995 - Annual report
- Section 206.996 - Tax exemption
- Section 206.997 - Consideration of financial circumstances for purpose of assistance program; effect of ABLE savings account