Mich. Comp. Laws § 205.26
If the state treasurer or the state treasurer's designated representative finds that a person liable for a tax administered under this act intends quickly to depart from the state or to remove property from this state, to conceal the person or the person's property in this state, or to do any other act tending to render wholly or partly ineffectual proceedings to collect the tax unless proceedings are brought without delay, the state treasurer or the state treasurer's designated representative shall give notice of the findings to the person, together with a demand for an immediate return and immediate payment of the tax. A warrant or warrant-notice of levy may issue immediately upon issuance of a jeopardy assessment. In that instance, the tax shall become immediately due and payable. If the person is not in default in making a return or paying a tax prescribed by this act, and furnishes evidence satisfactory to the state treasurer or the state treasurer's designated representative under rules promulgated by the department that the return will be filed and the tax to which the state treasurer's or the state treasurer's designated representative's finding relates will be paid, then the tax shall not be payable before the time otherwise fixed for payment.
MCL 205.26