Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.736e

Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 168.736e - Secrecy sleeve; special election; instructions

Each ballot secrecy sleeve used at a special election must either contain the following ballot marking instructions printed on the front of the ballot secrecy sleeve or must have a clear plastic pocket on the front of the ballot secrecy sleeve that contains a printed copy of the following ballot marking instructions:


TO VOTE: Completely darken the oval opposite each choice as shown:

[insert graphic here].

-- OR --

TO VOTE: Completely darken the box opposite each choice as shown:

[insert graphic here].

IMPORTANT: To mark your ballot, use only a black or blue ink pen.


CHECK BOTH SIDES OF BALLOT: This ballot has two sides. Be certain to check the reverse side of the ballot.

WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED VOTING: Place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve so that votes cannot be seen and, if there is a numbered stub, the numbered stub is visible. Return the ballot to the election official stationed at the tabulator. (If voting by absentee ballot, follow the instructions provided by the clerk for returning the ballot.)

NOTE: If you make a mistake, return your ballot to the election official and obtain a new ballot. Do not attempt to erase or correct any marks made in error.

MCL 168.736e

Amended by 2023, Act 81,s 20, eff. 2/13/2024.
Amended by 2018, Act 190,s 4, eff. 6/20/2018.
Added by 2012, Act 128,s 10, eff. 5/14/2012.