- Section 141.2401 - Short-term municipal securities; issuance; conditions; public airport authority
- Section 141.2403 - Resolution authorizing municipal security; tax levy provision; operating expenditures; limitation; set aside of taxes collected; tax installments; capital improvements; debt service charges
- Section 141.2405 - Issuance of short-term municipal securities; payments allowed; operating expenditures or debt service charges; limitation; authorizing resolution; set aside of taxes collected; capital improvements; deduction of outstanding principal amount
- Section 141.2407 - Anticipation of revenue sharing payments; issuance of short-term municipal securities; payment of operating expenditures; authorizing resolution; set aside of amounts for payment of principal and interest
- Section 141.2409 - Interest rate; limitation; payment
- Section 141.2411 - Money deposited in special fund; use
- Section 141.2413 - Anticipation of long-term municipal security proceeds; issuance of short-term municipal security; authorization of principal, interest, and redemption premiums; limitation on principal amount; use of proceeds
- Section 141.2415 - Anticipation of state or federal grants; issuance of short-term municipal security; pledge of grant proceeds as payment of principal, interest, and redemption premiums; limitation on principal amount; use of municipal security proceeds