Section 125.1607 - Powers of corporation generally(1) In order to accomplish the public purposes set forth in section 2 the corporation may: (a) Construct, acquire by gift or purchase, reconstruct, improve, maintain, or repair projects and acquire the necessary land, or an interest in land or portions of the land, for the site of a project.(b) Acquire by gift or purchase the necessary machinery, furnishings, and equipment for a project.(c) Make secured or unsecured loans, participate in the making of secured or unsecured loans, undertake commitments to make secured or unsecured loans and mortgages, sell loans and mortgages at public or private sale, rewrite loans and mortgages, discharge loans and mortgages, foreclose on a mortgage, or commence an action to protect or enforce a right conferred upon it by a law, mortgage, loan, contract, or other agreement.(d) Borrow money and issue its revenue bonds or revenue notes to finance or refinance part or all of the project costs and the costs necessary or incidental to the borrowing of money and issuing of bonds or notes for that purpose, and may secure those bonds and notes by mortgage, assignment, or pledge of any of its money, revenues, income, and properties. Bonds and notes may be issued under this act to acquire and install projects, necessary lands, or an interest in the land or a portion of the land, for the site of the project, and the necessary machinery, furnishings, and equipment for a project notwithstanding that the corporation does not own or propose to own the projects, lands, or machinery, furnishings, and equipment. The corporation for a municipality that has a population of more than 1,000,000 persons may combine part or all of the project costs of more than 1 project for pollution control facilities in a single financing arrangement. However, the bonds and notes for each project for pollution control facilities shall be secured by a separate agreement and collateral for each project.(e) Enter into leases, lease purchase agreements, installment sales contracts or loan agreements with any person, firm, or corporation for the use or sale of the project.(f) Mortgage or create security interests in the project, a part of the project, a lease or loan, or the rents, revenues, or sums to be paid during the term of a lease or loan, in favor of holders of bonds or notes issued by the corporation.(g) Sell and convey the project or any part of the project for a price and at a time as the corporation determines.(h) Lend, grant, transfer, or convey funds, described in section 27, as permitted by law, but subject to applicable restrictions affecting the use of those funds.(2) Bonds and notes issued under this act are not subject to the revenue bond act of 1933, 1933 PA 94, MCL 141.101 to 141.140.(3) Bonds and notes issued under this act are not subject to the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821.(4) The issuance of bonds and notes under this act is subject to the agency financing reporting act.1974, Act 338, Imd. Eff. 12/18/1974 ;--Am. 1976, Act 175, Imd. Eff. 6/29/1976 ;--Am. 1980, Act 501, Imd. Eff. 1/22/1981 ;--Am. 2002, Act 357, Imd. Eff. 5/23/2002.