- Section 123.361 - Garbage disposal act; short title
- Section 123.362 - Garbage disposal equipment system; city or village may provide; garbage disposal equipment, definition; garbage grinders
- Section 123.363 - Installation on private property; written agreement with owner; ordinance, provisions, rates and charges, lien, enforcement, priority; discontinuance of water service
- Section 123.364 - Bonds; issuance, amount, interest, maturity; tax exemption; principal and interest; payment
- Section 123.365 - Self-liquidating bonds, secured by revenues; liability
- Section 123.366 - Preliminary expense; appropriation, repayment
- Section 123.367 - Use of money received from sale of bonds
- Section 123.368 - Free service prohibited
- Section 123.369 - Additional bonds; negotiation
- Section 123.370 - Retirement of outstanding bonds; new bonds, issuance, refunding bonds, premium; sale, exchange of refunding bonds, surrender and cancellation
- Section 123.371 - Service rates fixed by ordinance; supervision and regulation
- Section 123.372 - Authority additional to other powers
- Section 123.373 - Powers conferred upon cities and villages; authorization and issuance not subject to referendum
- Section 123.374 - Liberal construction of act