Mich. Comp. Laws § 123.1404
If a local government or law enforcement agency violates section 2, an individual or entity may bring an action seeking injunctive relief against the local government or law enforcement agency. If a court determines a local government or law enforcement agency is violating section 2, the court shall issue an injunctive order requiring the local government or law enforcement agency to cease and desist from violating section 2. An injunctive order issued under this section becomes effective 60 days after the injunctive order is entered by the court. Any action taken by a local government or law enforcement agency to ensure compliance with section 2 or any injunctive order issued under this section is not considered a violation of the injunctive order for purposes of any fine under this section. A local government or law enforcement agency that violates an injunctive order under this section is subject to a civil fine of not more than $1,000.00 for each day of violation, up to a maximum of $10,000.00. An individual or entity that brings an action under this section may recover costs and reasonable attorney fees.
MCL 123.1404