Mich. Comp. Laws § 123.954
The incorporation of such an authority shall be accomplished by the adoption of articles of incorporation by the legislative body of each incorporating unit. For such adoption, the affirmative vote of the majority of the members elect of each such legislative body shall be required. The articles of incorporation shall be executed, for and on behalf of each incorporating unit by the following officers, to-wit: For the county, by the chairman of the board of commissioners and county clerk; for the city, by its mayor and city clerk; for the village, by its president and clerk; for the township, by its supervisor and clerk; and for the school district or intermediate school district, by the president and secretary of the board of education. The clerk or secretary of each incorporating unit shall also affix to the articles of incorporation following the signatures thereto, a certificate in form substantially as follows:
"The foregoing articles of incorporation were adopted by the ............. of the ..... of ........... County, Michigan, at a meeting duly held on the ............ day of ........, 19 .....
Dated: ................., 19 .......
................................................ (Clerk/Secretary)"
MCL 123.954