Mich. Comp. Laws § 121.6
The incorporated authority shall be directed and governed by a board of commissioners appointed as herein provided. The legislative body of each city, village or township constituting a part of the authority, within 30 days after the incorporation of the authority, shall elect a commissioner as its representative on the board of commissioners. The commissioner from each city, village or township shall have 1 vote. In determining the voting strength of a commissioner from a township in which is located a village or villages which are also constituent members of the authority, there shall be subtracted from the state equalized valuation of such township that proportion of such state equalized valuation of that township which the total assessed valuation of such member village or villages bears to the total assessed valuation of such township as a whole, as determined by the township board of review. In determining the voting strength of a commissioner from a village, such village shall be deemed to have a state equalized valuation equal to that proportion of the state equalized valuation of the whole township in which such village is located as the assessed valuation of such village, as determined by the township board of review, bears to the assessed valuation of the whole township in which such village is located, as last determined by the township board of review. In addition to such 1 vote, the commissioner from each city, village or township having a state equalized valuation in excess of $40,000,000.00 shall have 1 cumulative and additional vote for each $40,000,000.00 or any part thereof of state equalized valuation for the city, village or township he represents in excess of $40,000,000.00. Each commissioner's voting strength shall be determined initially as of the date of incorporation of the authority, and shall be redetermined every 5 years thereafter. The state equalized valuation for each city, village or township shall be determined initially and redetermined by the latest official figures applicable to that city, village or township. The commissioners shall serve for 4 years or until their successors are appointed.
MCL 121.6