3.Cooperation, information. All agencies of the State and municipal governments shall cooperate fully with the division, rendering any assistance requested by the division. Every head of a department, bureau, division, commission or any other unit of State Government shall report in writing to the division any suspected act of fraud or attempted fraud or violation of any law in connection with funds of the State. Any such act or violation involving funds administered by the Department of Health and Human Services shall be reported pursuant to Title 22, section 13, subsection 3. [1975, c. 715, §1 (NEW); 2003, c. 689, Pt. B, §6 (REV).]
All information in the files of any department, commission or agency of State Government, regardless of any statute relating to confidentiality, shall be available to the division for use in connection with its official purpose. [1975, c. 715, §1 (NEW).]