Subchapter 3 - POWERS
- Section 1151 - Powers
- Section 1151-A - Enforcement power
- Section 1152 - Right of eminent domain
- Section 1152-A - Procedure in exercise of right of eminent domain
- Section 1153 - Condemnation proceedings
- Section 1154 - Appeal
- Section 1155 - Crossing other public utilities
- Section 1156 - Entry of private sewer
- Section 1157 - Contracts for disposal of sewage
- Section 1158 - Conditions for carrying out work
- Section 1159 - Inspection of sewers
- Section 1160 - Connection of private sewers
- Section 1161 - Injury to property of districts
- Section 1162 - Expansion of sanitary district boundaries
- Section 1163 - Sewer extensions
- Section 1163-A - Coordination with municipal planning
- Section 1164 - Investments