- Section 301 - Safe facilities; just and reasonable rates
- Section 302 - Limitations on rates
- Section 302-A - Rules governing political activities, promotional advertising, charitable contributions, educational expenditures and institutional advertising
- Section 303 - Valuation of property for fixing rates
- Section 304 - Filing of schedules of rates, terms and conditions
- Section 305 - Public inspection of schedules
- Section 306 - Schedule of joint rates
- Section 307 - Changes in schedules; notice; suspension; rate increase limit
- Section 307-A - Exemption for certain telephone utilities (REPEALED)
- Section 308 - Filing of new schedules
- Section 309 - Adherence to rate schedules; change in form of schedules
- Section 310 - Investigation of proposed changes in rates of public utilities
- Section 311 - Comprehensive classification of service
- Section 312 - Temporary rates during rate proceeding
- Section 313 - Submetering permitted in campgrounds
- Section 313-A - Submetering by electric vehicle charging station providers
- Section 314 - Private line extensions
- Section 315 - Transmission and distribution utility line extension construction