Chapter 21 - LOST GOODS
- Section 1051 - Duty of finder of money or goods worth $3 or more
- Section 1052 - Taking up stray beasts; notice (REPEALED)
- Section 1053 - Appraisal if value $10 or more
- Section 1054 - Restitution to appearing owner; money or goods
- Section 1055 - Strays (REPEALED)
- Section 1056 - Finder's rights when no owner appears
- Section 1057 - Sale of strays when no owner appears (REPEALED)
- Section 1058 - Failure to give notice; penalty
- Section 1059 - Recovery of strays without paying charges; penalty (REPEALED)
- Section 1060 - Damages by animals; remedy; lien (REPEALED)