- Section 4120 - Definitions and exceptions (REPEALED)
- Section 4121 - Rules (REPEALED)
- Section 4122 - Review of decisions (REPEALED)
- Section 4123 - License required (REPEALED)
- Section 4124 - Application for license (REPEALED)
- Section 4125 - Required deposit or bond (REPEALED)
- Section 4126 - Reserves (REPEALED)
- Section 4127 - License expiration; renewal (REPEALED)
- Section 4128 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of license or denial of renewal (REPEALED)
- Section 4129 - Automatic termination of sales agent registration (REPEALED)
- Section 4130 - Order, notice of suspension or revocation of license (REPEALED)
- Section 4131 - Duration of suspension; obligation during suspension period; reinstatement (REPEALED)
- Section 4132 - Filing of forms (REPEALED)
- Section 4133 - Filing of fees (REPEALED)
- Section 4134 - Annual statement; examination (REPEALED)
- Section 4135 - Service of process; appointment of director as process agent (REPEALED)
- Section 4136 - Home service company sales agent registration required (REPEALED)
- Section 4137 - Penalty for violation (REPEALED)