Subchapter 2 - REAL ACTIONS
- Section 801 - Rights of entry and action barred in 20 years
- Section 802 - Right begins to run
- Section 803 - Right deemed to accrue
- Section 804 - Entry for condition broken
- Section 805 - Accrual of right of entry
- Section 806 - Action by minister or sole corporation
- Section 807 - Minors and other disabled persons
- Section 808 - Death during period of disability
- Section 809 - Death of tenant in tail or remainderman before end of limitation
- Section 810 - Type of possession; need for enclosure
- Section 810-A - Mistake of boundary line
- Section 811 - Failure of first action; effect on limitations
- Section 812 - Acquisition of rights-of-way and easements by adverse possession; notice to prevent
- Section 812-A - Dedication of land in the unorganized territory to public use; notice to prevent
- Section 812-B - Recording requirements
- Section 813 - Adverse obstruction on rights-of-way; interruption by notice
- Section 814 - Trespass on wild lands; notice to quit; record; private roads in unorganized territory
- Section 815 - Forty years' possession bars action for recovery of land
- Section 816 - Limitations of actions for uncultivated lands in incorporated places
- Section 817 - Limitation of actions for breach of covenants; vested interest in 6-year limitations period