La. Legislature and Laws § 24:602
There is hereby created the office of legislative fiscal officer which shall be the chief executive office of the legislative fiscal office. The legislative fiscal officer shall be elected by the favorable vote of a majority of the elected members of both houses of the legislature, after having been interviewed by the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee and recommended for employment by the legislature by a majority vote of each such committee. He shall be a graduate of an accredited college or university with training in fiscal matters or shall have at least ten years experience in fiscal affairs of the state, shall take an oath of office and shall have general administrative control over the operations and functions of the office subject to the policies and directives of the legislature and of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. He shall not be a member of the legislature. He may be removed by a majority vote of the elected members of both houses of the legislature. Any vacancy occasioned by death, resignation, or otherwise, which occurs while the legislature is not in session, shall be filled on a temporary basis by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, until such time as such vacancy shall be filled by the legislature as herein provided. The salary of the legislative fiscal officer shall be established by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, by majority vote of each house as prescribed by the statute creating the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget.
La. Legislature and Laws § 24:602