La. Stat. tit. 2 § 13
In any case where the department rejects an application for permission to operate or establish an airport, landing field, air school, flying club, air beacon, or other air navigation facility, or in any case where the department shall issue any order requiring certain things to be done, it shall set forth its reasons and shall state the requirements to be met before such approval shall be given or the order modified or changed. In any case where the department may deem it necessary it may order the closing of any airport, landing field, or order any air school, flying club, or air beacon, or other air navigation facility to cease operations until it complies with the requirements of the department. The secretary or any person designated by him, and any officer, state, parish, or municipal, charged with the duty of enforcing any provisions of this Chapter, may inspect and examine at reasonable hours any premises, and the buildings and other structures thereon, where airports, landing fields, air schools, flying clubs, air beacons, or other air navigation facilities are operated. Any order made by the department pursuant to this Chapter shall be served upon the interested person by registered mail or in person before such order shall become effective.
La. R.S. § 2:13
SEE ACTS 1985, NO. 889, §3.