La. Stat. tit. 13 § 5951

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 13:5951 - Orleans Parish Juvenile Services Financing District
A. Creation. There is hereby created within the parish of Orleans, as more specifically provided in Subsection B of this Section, a special district and a body politic and corporate which shall be known as the Orleans Parish Juvenile Services Financing District, referred to in this Section as the "district". The district shall be a political subdivision of the state as defined in the Constitution of Louisiana.
B. Boundaries. The boundaries of the district shall be coterminous with the boundaries of the parish of Orleans.
C. Purpose.
(1) The district is created for the purpose of providing funding for juvenile facilities, programs, and services in the parish of Orleans.
(2) The establishment of the district in order to provide a legal mechanism to finance juvenile facilities, programs, and services in Orleans Parish, the adoption of an annual budget by the district's board of commissioners as provided in this Chapter, and the drafting of an annual juvenile services plan by the district's board of commissioners are intended to and shall provide additional funding for and coordinate funding for juvenile facilities, programs, and services in Orleans Parish.
D. Legislative intent.
(1) It is the intent of the legislature in enacting this Chapter that the proceeds of the tax authorized by this Chapter shall serve as a supplement to and not in lieu of the funds appropriated by the city of New Orleans for juvenile facilities, programs, and services in the parish of Orleans, including the operation of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court.
(2) The legislative goal is to change the status quo for juvenile services in the parish of Orleans. Without a source of permanent additional funding for juvenile services, it will be difficult to accomplish that goal. To do otherwise will doom the Orleans Parish juvenile system to a permanent state of poverty, and our youth deserve better.
E. Appropriation of funds.
(1) The district may fund any of the following:
(a) Supplemental funding for the Orleans Parish district attorney's juvenile division to provide for up to six full-time assistant district attorneys, assigned on the basis of one per section of court, and six full-time paralegals, assigned on the basis of one paired with each assistant district attorney.
(b) Supplemental funding for the Orleans Parish indigent defender program's juvenile division to provide for up to six full-time public defenders, assigned on the basis of one per section of court, and six full-time paralegals, assigned on the basis of one paired with each public defender.
(c) The establishment and operation of a New Orleans juvenile detention facility.
(d) The establishment and operation of a New Orleans juvenile diagnostic and assessment center.
(e) The establishment and operation of a New Orleans children and youth safe house.
(f) The implementation and execution of the juvenile services plan adopted by the board of commissioners.
(g) Six liaison officer positions. Each such officer shall serve as a liaison with the Orleans Parish School Board.
(h) Any other juvenile facilities, programs, and services as deemed appropriate by the board of commissioners.
(2) The district shall fund the operations of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court.
F. Governance.
(1) The district shall be governed by a board of commissioners consisting of eleven members as follows:
(a) The six elected judges of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court.
(b) A member of the Orleans Parish legislative delegation appointed jointly by the members of the delegation.
(c) A representative of the city of New Orleans appointed by the mayor and approved by the governing authority of the city of New Orleans.
(d) Three persons appointed jointly by the presidents of Dillard University, Loyola University, Southern University at New Orleans, Tulane University, the University of New Orleans, and Xavier University.
(a) The terms of the members serving on the commission pursuant to Subparagraphs (1)(a) and (b) of this Subsection shall coincide with the term of office to which each such official was elected.
(b) The members serving pursuant to Subparagraph (1)(d) of this Subsection shall serve four-year terms. Each such member shall be eligible for reappointment.
(c) The term of the member serving pursuant to Subparagraph (1)(c) of this Subsection, if not an elected official or serving in an ex officio capacity, shall be concurrent with the mayor who appoints the member.
(3) The chief judge of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court shall serve as president of the board of commissioners and the deputy chief judge of such court shall serve as the vice president of the board of commissioners. The responsibilities of the officers and members of the board shall be as provided by the bylaws of the board.
(4) Each member of the board of commissioners serving pursuant to Subparagraphs (1)(b) and (c) of this Subsection may appoint a representative to serve on the board in his place. Such representative shall be counted for the purposes of a quorum. Such representative shall be a full voting member and shall participate in the deliberations of the board.
(5) The members of the board of commissioners shall serve without compensation and shall not receive reimbursement for expenses.
G. Powers and duties. The district, acting through its board of commissioners, shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To sue and be sued.
(2) To adopt, use, and alter at will a corporate seal.
(3) To receive and expend funds collected pursuant to Subsection I of this Section and in accordance with a budget adopted pursuant to Subsection J of this Section.
(4) To manage the taxes collected.
(5) To expend funds from the taxes collected for capital expenditures for the purposes provided in Subsection E of this Section.
(6) To borrow monies for the district under the terms and conditions established by the board.
(7) To incur debt and issue general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing construction of capital projects for the purposes provided in Subsection E of this Section, subject to approval of the State Bond Commission and the approval of a majority of the electors of the district voting on the proposition in a regularly scheduled election held for that purpose in accordance with the Louisiana Election Code. Such bonds shall be issued pursuant to the provisions of Part III of Chapter 4 of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 and shall be sold pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 13 of said Title 39.
(8) To enter into contracts with individuals or entities, private or public, for the provision of services to the district.
(9) To purchase items and supplies which the board deems instrumental to achieving the purpose of the district.
(10) To make rules and regulations for its operations and the conduct of its duties and to take any action the board determines is necessary for the proper implementation of the provisions of this Section.
H. Plan.
(1) The board of commissioners shall prepare or cause to be prepared a juvenile services plan, specifying the facilities, programs, and services proposed to be furnished, constructed, acquired, or provided for the district for the following year, including that portion of the annual proceeds of the tax authorized by this Section that is necessary to fund the operation of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court. The board shall conduct such hearings, publish such notice with respect to such plan, and disseminate such information relative thereto as it, in the exercise of its sound discretion, may deem to be appropriate or advisable and in the public interest.
(2) The board of commissioners shall adopt the juvenile services plan annually at the same time the budget is adopted.
(3) The juvenile services plan shall include an estimate of the annual and aggregate cost of acquiring, constructing, or providing the facilities, programs, and services as set forth therein.
(4) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to grant the New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board any authority or power, notwithstanding any other provision of law, regarding the appropriation or disbursement of district funds by the board of commissioners for the operation of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court.
I. Method of taxation.
(1) The governing authority of the city of New Orleans is hereby authorized to levy and collect a tax of up to ten mills on the dollar of assessed valuation of all property within the district.
(2) The tax shall be imposed only after the question of its imposition has been approved by a majority of the registered voters of the district voting on the proposition at an election held for that purpose at a regularly scheduled primary or general election in accordance with the Louisiana Election Code.
(3) The election shall be called by the governing authority of the city of New Orleans upon written request by the board of commissioners.
(4) If approved, the term of the levy of the tax shall be as provided in the proposition authorizing the levy, not to exceed eight years from the date of levy, but the tax may be renewed if approved by a majority of the registered voters of the district voting on the proposition at an election as provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection. Any election to authorize renewal of the tax shall be held only at the same time as the mayoral primary election for the city of New Orleans. If the tax is renewed, the term of the imposition of the tax shall be as provided in the proposition authorizing such renewal, not to exceed eight years.
(5) The tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ad valorem taxes are collected by the city.
(6) Any tax which is unpaid shall be added to the tax rolls of the city and shall be enforced with the same authority and subject to the same penalties and procedures as unpaid ad valorem taxes.
(7) The city of New Orleans shall remit to the district all amounts collected pursuant to this Section not more than sixty days after collection. However, the city may retain one percent of the amount collected as a collection fee.
(8) The proceeds of the tax shall be used solely and exclusively for the purposes and benefit of the district as provided in this Section.
J. Budget.
(1) The board of commissioners shall adopt an annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Act, R.S. 39:1301 et seq.
(2) In the annual budget, the board of commissioners shall provide for the allocation of the annual proceeds of the tax for those items included in the juvenile services plan, including funds necessary to fund the operation of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court.
(3) The district shall be subject to audit by the legislative auditor pursuant to R.S. 24:513.
K. Disbursement of district funds. All funds received from the city by the district as provided in Paragraph (I)(7) of this Section shall be paid by the district into the judicial expense fund of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, which funds shall be disbursed by the judges of the court pursuant to the annual budget adopted by the district and the provisions of this Chapter and in accordance with law.
L. Powers of judges not diminished. It is the purpose of this Chapter to create a special district for the financing of juvenile programs and services in the parish of Orleans, including the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted as diminishing any of the authority of the judges of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court as provided by the constitution and laws of this state.
M. Miscellaneous provisions.
(1) The district shall have the power to acquire, to lease, to insure, and to sell real property within its boundaries in accordance with its plans.
(2) The district may enter into a contract or cooperative endeavor agreement with any other governmental entity, public or private agency, or service provider that has been approved or certified by the New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board, in order to carry out the board's adopted juvenile services plan.
(3) Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed as a restriction or a limitation upon any powers which the district might otherwise have under any laws of this state. This Chapter provides and shall be construed to provide a complete, additional, and alternative method for the doing of the things authorized hereby and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws.
(4) No district funds may be used to supplement the salary of the judges of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court.
N. Applicability of law. The district shall be subject to state laws governing public contracts, public records, public meetings, ethics, and bond validation procedures.

La. R.S. § 13:5951

Acts 2005, No. 467, §1, eff. July 11, 2005; Redesignated from R.S. 33:9017.1 pursuant to Acts 2011, No. 248, §3; Acts 2014, No. 653, §1.
Amended by Acts 2014, No. 653,s. 1, eff. 8/1/2014.
Acts 2005, No. 467, §1, eff. 7/11/2005; Redesignated from R.S. 33:9017.1 pursuant to Acts 2011, No. 248, §3.