Chapter 31 - COURT RECORDS
- Section 13:4681 - Withdrawal of district court records
- Section 13:4682 - Preservation of duplicate file of transcripts of cases finally disposed of by Supreme Court; designation of Louisiana State University Law Library as depository; destruction of certain records
- Section 13:4683 - Same; delivery to depository of copy of brief and transcript; recall
- Section 13:4684 - Same; clerk to turn over duplicate copies to law library
- Section 13:4685 - Construction of R.S. 13:4682 through 13:4685; intention
- Section 13:4686 - Preservation of documents and records of the courts of appeal; destruction of certain records
- Section 13:4687 - Divorce proceedings; confidential status of pleadings and testimony upon reconciliation
- Section 13:4688 - [Repealed]