- Section 1198 - Persons who may petition for adoption
- Section 1199 - Agency adoption; petition; contents; form
- Section 1200 - Fee disclosure; permissible reimbursement of expenses; court review; report
- Section 1201 - Adoption disclosure affidavit of fees and charges; form
- Section 1202 - Service of process
- Section 1203 - Service; resident parent
- Section 1204 - Service; nonresident parent
- Section 1205 - Service; absentee parent; curator ad hoc
- Section 1206 - Duties of curator ad hoc
- Section 1207 - Duties of the agency; duties of the department; home study; confidential report
- Section 1208 - Hearing; petition for agency adoption
- Section 1209 - Intervention
- Section 1210 - Interlocutory decree
- Section 1211 - Final decree at first hearing
- Section 1212 - Effect of interlocutory decree
- Section 1213 - Continuing duties of the department; home study report
- Section 1214 - Permanency review
- Section 1215 - Revocation of interlocutory decree
- Section 1216 - Petition for final decree
- Section 1217 - Final decree; notice; standard
- Section 1217.1 - Reporting requirement; statistical availability
- Section 1218 - Effect of final decree
- Section 1219 - Change of name
- Section 1220 - Refusal of interlocutory or final decree