- Section 631 - Authority to file petition; custody
- Section 632 - Time for filing of petition; child in custody
- Section 633 - Form of petition
- Section 634 - Contents of petition
- Section 635 - Amendment of petition
- Section 635.1 - Notice to counsel
- Section 636 - Summons
- Section 637 - Failure to appear as summoned
- Section 638 - Service of petition; parent; child
- Section 639 - Notice of nature of proceedings; parental rights; form
- Section 640 - Service and return; child; resident parent; counsel
- Section 641 - Service and return; nonresident parent
- Section 642 - Effect of nonappearance by a parent
- Section 643 - Service; absentee or unidentified parent; curator ad hoc
- Section 644 - Duties of curator ad hoc
- Section 645 - Department of Children and Family Services to provide information concerning the parents' location; cooperation of the department