- Section 617 - Temporary restraining order
- Section 618 - Protective orders; content; modification; service
- Section 619 - Instanter custody orders; instanter safety plan orders
- Section 620 - Oral instanter orders
- Section 621 - Taking child into custody without a court order
- Section 622 - Placement pending a continued custody hearing
- Section 622.1 - Shelter care facility records; access
- Section 623 - Notice; right to be heard
- Section 624 - Continued custody hearing; continued safety plan hearing; federal Indian Child Welfare Act
- Section 624.1 - Reason to know a child is an Indian child; federal Indian Child Welfare Act
- Section 625 - Advice of rights and responsibilities of parents, counsel, and department; absent parents
- Section 625.1 - Advice of rights for children
- Section 626 - Grounds for continued custody; reasonable efforts; grounds for continued safety plan
- Section 627 - Continued custody order; special provisions; appointments; continued safety plan order