P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 73a
The Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico may request from the departments, agencies, instrumentalities and any other organization of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, including its municipalities that they provide him temporarily professional and technical personnel, from among its officials and employees, to help his Office in investigations or studies requiring technical or professional knowledge, for the fulfillment of its investigative function, as provided by law. Every government organization, thus requested, shall offer such collaboration.
In the discharge of his investigative function, the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico may also entrust any Government department, agency, instrumentality or other organization or political subdivision, with the performance of any study, investigation or work necessary for the fulfillment of his duties. The organization shall give top priority to the accomplishment of said task. The organization so entrusted may request from the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico if, in its judgment, it is necessary, a transfer of funds for the amount the Comptroller deems proper to cover the expenses of such work.
If the organization thus requested is not able to do without the officials or employees asked for by the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or is not able to render the services on the date requested by the latter, the organization shall submit the date or alternate dates on which the officials or employees will be available or the services could be rendered. These dates shall be the earliest possible to cover the needs of personnel or services requested by the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Any department, agency, instrumentality or public corporation of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, including the municipalities, may petition the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to use the services of any of its officials or employees to facilitate or hasten any auditing thereof by the latter. In such case, the official or employee shall perform the proper duty under the jurisdiction and direction of the Office of the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and subject to the conditions agreed upon by both parts.
The Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico may contract the services of any kind of private experts to aid in those investigations or studies that, because of their nature, require the services of highly-specialized technical personnel.
History —July 24, 1952, No. 9, p. 16, added as § 3A on May 31, 1973, No. 65, p. 300, § 1.