Once an application is submitted to the Permit Management Office, the autonomous municipality with I to V granted hierarchy or the authorized professional, the owner of the work shall place a sign in the main entrance of the property where the work is to be performed. Said sign shall be installed within two (2) days after having submitted the permit application by electronic means or alternate means as determined by the Management Office by regulations, as provided in § 9018b of this title. Ministerial use permit applications and issuance that do not entail any kind of variance shall be excluded from this requirement.
The owner of the work shall place a sign on the property in which the authorized activity is proposed at least five (5) days before the commencement thereof and such sign shall remain in said place until the authorized activity is concluded. If this requirement is not complied with, the construction, reconstruction, alteration, demolition or transfer of a building in Puerto Rico may not be performed.
Once the required sign is placed, the owner of the property shall attest by means of a sworn statement to the fact that such sign was placed pursuant to the provisions of this section and present such evidence within three (3) days after the sign has been placed.
The requirements of the sign and the information it shall bear shall be established through the regulation adopted by the Permit Management Office.
History —Dec. 1, 2009, No. 161, § 9.9.