The Electric Power Authority, the Department of Transportation and Public Works, the Highways Authority, the Aqueducts and Sewers Authority and the Ports Authority are directed to conduct a study of the needs which shall be submitted to the Planning Board, the Tourism Company and the Executive Board for the Development of Porta del Sol — Puerto Rico, that shall include an analysis of the necessary infrastructure and the plans for the work that must be undertaken. This study shall be submitted on or before sixty (60) days after the approval of this act.
The Institute of Puerto Rican Culture shall be directed to conduct a thorough study of the distinctive cultural elements such as the history, legends, traditions and historic monuments of Porta del Sol — Puerto Rico. This study shall be submitted to the Advisory Board for the Development of Porta del Sol — Puerto Rico and to the Puerto Rico Tourism Company on or before sixty (60) days after the approval of this act.
The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources and the National Parks Authority are directed to submit to the Planning Board, to the Executive Board for the Development of Porta del Sol — Puerto Rico and to the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, an inventory of the natural reserves or resources and the recreational facilities that exist in the Porta del Sol — Puerto Rico Destination. Likewise, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources shall revise its Regulations for Concessions for those persons or enterprises that apply for concessions in the property administered by the agency.
The Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico is directed to develop a public finance plan for Porta del Sol — Puerto Rico and to promote the economic sponsorship of the private sector. This finance plan shall be submitted to the Executive Board and to the Puerto Rico Tourism Company on or before sixty (60) days after the approval of this act.
History —Dec. 20, 2005, No. 158, § 14.