The following shall be compulsory requirements for an enterprise to obtain a license from the Tourism Company:
(a) Be between eighteen (18) and sixty-five (65) years of age, as shown on the Birth Certificate or any evidencing document. For those operators who exceed the regulatory age, the Tourism Company may issue an annual license, at its discretion, and based on a medical certificate or any other evidence attesting that the operator is physically (vision and reflexes) and mentally able to continue rendering tourist ground transportation services.
(b) Be authorized by the Department of Transportation and Public Works to drive a motor vehicle through a driver’s license to drive a heavy motor vehicle, as the case may be.
(c) Having [passed] the driver improvement course offered by the Public Service Commission in coordination with the Department of Transportation and Public Works. This course shall be taken every two (2) years.
(d) Know how to speak, read and write Spanish, and speak English.
(e) Have one (1) year or more of experience as a driver authorized by the Department of Transportation and Public Works.
(f) Have knowledge of the regulations applicable to the services same is about to render.
(g) Operators shall also take and [pass] any courses determined by the Tourism Company. The minimum course requirements that operators shall take and [pass] are the following:
(1) Tourist and historic information on Puerto Rico;
(2) conversational English (those operators who demonstrate to know English may be exempted from this requirement), and
(3) human relations.
All applicants shall submit along with the application for license a certification attesting they [passed] the aforementioned courses issued by said entities.
(h) Every operator shall take continued education courses [with] an entity accredited by the Tourism Company, and [passed] a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours every two years.
(i) In addition, every operator shall submit the following documents when filing the application:
(1) Birth certificate issued by the Demographic Registry of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or from the place of birth, or any evidencing document.
(2) Driver’s license and Certificate of Driver’s Background issued by the Department of Transportation and Public Works, with an issuance date of not more tha[n] three (3) months.
(3) Certificate of Negative Criminal Record issued by the Puerto Rico Police, or by any jurisdiction in which same resided during the preceding year and still in effect at the date of the application.
(4) Medical certificate from a public health unit or a private physician, crediting that, according to his medical background, the applicant is in a good physical condition, specifically on the following organs: eyes, including tests for glaucoma and cataracts, ears, heart, lungs, state or condition of the legs and arms (reflexes) and test for diabetes. Said medical certificate shall include the results of a test on controlled substances performed [sic].
(5) Official receipt regarding payment of the fees for this type of application.
(6) Negative Certificate of Debt from the Child Support Administration ASUME, for its Spanish acronym.
(7) Negative Certificate of Debt from the Department of the Treasury.
(8) Negative Certificate of Debt from the Municipal Revenue Collection Center, CRIM for its Spanish acronym.
(9) If the applicant is an alien, he shall be required to present his visa or work permit, naturalization or resident card, or passport issued by the United States of America.
(10) Certificate of payment of the municipal business license, if applicable.
If any of the certificates of debt requested show any debt, the Company may issue the corresponding franchise, permit, or license provided the concessionaire shows evidence that same has a payment plan in accordance with the provisions for each of said agencies.
(j) Every operator shall always have a good and clean appearance, and dress according to the dress code adopted by the Tourism Company through regulations to that effect.
(k) Every operator shall comply with the traffic laws, municipal ordinances and regulations in effect. In addition, same shall be bound to allow the inspection of the vehicle he/she operates at any time, upon request of any duly authorized officer or employee of the Tourism Company.
(l) Every operator shall be bound to act respectfully and courteously with the public, especially with passengers traveling in his/her vehicle. If same behaves rudely or disrespectfully with the public or passengers traveling in his/her vehicle, or behaves contrary to the moral and correct manner toward any person while rendering public services, it shall be sufficient cause for the imposition of an administrative fine, suspension or cancellation of the license, or both.
(m) If any operator fails or omits to comply with any of these responsibilities and duties, it shall be sufficient cause for an unsatisfied passenger to file a complaint before the Tourism Company.
History —Dec. 19, 2002, No. 282, § 44, eff. 180 days after Dec. 19, 2002.