It is hereby declared that the public policy of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is to propitiate the sustainable development of tourism as an instrument to educate and raise awareness in order to conserve, appreciate and experience natural resources as well as valuable environmental, cultural and historical resources in public and private natural areas with the active participation of the communities, for the enjoyment and financial well-being of present and future generations pursuant to Article VI, Section 19 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and §§ 8001 et seq. of Title 12, known as the “Environmental Public Policy Act”.
The participation of the following public institutions of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is required in order to meet the purposes of this subchapter: the Puerto Rico Tourism Company; the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources; the Department of Economic Development and Commerce; the Planning Board; the Environmental Quality Board; Department of Agriculture; the Department of Education; the Government Development Bank; the Puerto Rico Economic Development Bank; the Office of Management and Budget; the Sports and Recreation Department; the Regulations and Permits Administration; the Special Communities Office; the National Parks Company; the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture; the Department of Transportation and Public Works; the Department of the Treasury; the University of Puerto Rico; and the municipal governments. Furthermore, the Executive Director, in pursuing to promote the sustainable development of tourism in Puerto Rico, shall create strategic alliances among the government, the private sector, nongovernmental and community organizations, academic research institutions, and intergovernmental institutions and organizations.
History —Nov. 30, 2006, No. 254, § 2.