No person may construct any building, structure, inclosure or fence, nor extract sand in the terrestrial maritime zone included in a harbor zone or deposit therein merchandise or materials of any kind, without a written permit issued by the Authority, as provided by the Administrator through rules or regulations approved in accordance with the provisions of § 2603 of this title. The permit of the Authority shall not be necessary for the construction of the works referred to in § 9 of the act known as the “Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899”, approved by Congress on March 3 of said year, 30 Stat. 1151, as said section was modified by the “General Bridge Act of 1946”, approved by Congress on August 2, 1946, 60 Stat. 849. The permits for the construction of these works in navigable waters not only within but outside the harbor zone shall be given by the Public Service Commission of Puerto Rico in accordance with the provisions of said federal laws.
History —June 28, 1968, No. 151, p. 459, § 6, art. 6.04, eff. 90 days after June 28, 1968.