(1) No person shall be deemed to be a stockholder of a stock insurer for the purposes of election of directors, right to inspect records, or voting at any meeting of stockholders, unless shown to be a stockholder by the insurer’s register of stock subscribed, or issued, or transferred.
(2) The board of directors shall cause such registers to be present throughout all meetings at which election of directors is to be held. No member of a board of directors may be re-elected at any meeting of stockholders in the absence of such registers.
(3) Any stockholder entitled to vote at any such meeting, or to inspect records, but not shown to be such by the register, may, upon due notification to the insurer, apply to the Court of First Instance in whose jurisdiction is located the insurer’s principal place of business, for a summary order directing correction of the register.
History —Ins. Code § 29.190.