Chapter 19. Health Services Organizations
- § 1901. Title
- § 1902. Definitions
- § 1903. Authorization required
- § 1903a. Authority and jurisdiction of the Commissioner
- § 1904. Issuance of certificate of authority
- § 1905. Powers
- § 1906. Board of Directors
- § 1907. Fiduciary liability
- § 1908. Evidence of coverage and health services fees
- § 1909. Annual report
- § 1910. Information to subscribers
- § 1911. Open registry
- § 1912. System of complaints
- § 1913. Investments
- § 1914. Protection against insolvency
- § 1914a. Deposit requirement; escalator provision
- § 1914b. Liabilities
- § 1915. Prohibited practices
- § 1916. Applicability; licenses required; fees
- § 1917. Powers of insurers and hospitals or medical services corporations
- § 1918. Examinations
- § 1919. Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority
- § 1920. Rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation
- § 1921. Administrative procedure
- § 1922. Repeal. Act July 31, 1992, No. 44, § 10, eff. July 31, 1992
- § 1923. Additional penalties for violations
- § 1924. Construction of act and relation to other laws
- § 1925. Registration and reports as public documents
- § 1926. Confidentiality of medical information
- § 1927. Secretary of Health, authority to contract
- § 1928. Health services organizations