Chapter 18. Consumer Credit Insurance
- §§ 1801–1812. Repealed. Act Jan. 9, 1999, No. 15, § 2, eff. 90 days after Jan. 9, 1999
- § 1813. Scope
- § 1814. Definitions
- § 1815. Types of consumer credit insurance; who can contract it
- § 1816. Provisions applicable to credit life insurance
- § 1817. Provisions that apply to disability credit insurance and unemployment credit insurance
- § 1818. General provisions that apply to consumer credit insurance
- § 1819. Disclosure to debtors and provisions of insurance policies and certificates
- § 1820. Presentation of models
- § 1821. Premiums and reimbursements
- § 1822. Issuance of policies
- § 1823. Claims