P.R. Laws tit. 27, § 2603

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2603. Authority to enter into a partnership

All government entities are hereby authorized, pursuant to the public policy set forth in this chapter, to establish partnerships and to execute partnership contracts in connection with any function, service or facility for which they are responsible under the provisions of their organic acts or the applicable special laws, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. All municipal entities, as well as the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch, are hereby authorized to partner voluntarily as a government entity into a public-private partnership under the terms and conditions provided for in this chapter. If any municipal entity, the Legislative Branch or the Judicial Branch chooses to voluntarily partner into a partnership under the provisions of this chapter, shall be subject to the provisions thereof. In order to set up the most convenient structure and with the sole purpose of establishing a partnership contract, any government entity that is a public corporation may establish subsidiary or affiliate corporations through a resolution by its Board of Directors or by virtue of the provisions of Act No. 144 of August 10, 1995, known as the “General Corporate Act of 1995”.

History —June 8, 2009, No. 29, § 4.