Chapter 45. Social Security for Chauffeurs and Other Employees
- § 681. Definitions
- § 682. Administration of plan
- § 683. Payment of sickness pensions
- § 684. Eligibility for sickness pensions
- § 685. Repealed. Act June 14, 1960, No. 85, p. 151, § 1, eff. July 1, 1960
- § 686. Total and permanent physical disability pension
- § 686a. Insured persons sixty-five (65) or over; single payment as bonus
- § 687. Life insurance benefits; beneficiaries
- § 688. Eligibility for benefits and amounts
- § 688a. Prescription of rights; waiver of compliance
- § 688b. Method of determining if dues required have been paid
- § 689. Application for pension benefits; determination by Director; appeal before Secretary; court review
- § 690. Assessment quotas; collection
- § 691. Damages for failure to pay assessment
- § 692. Chauffeurs and Other Employees Social Security Fund
- § 693. Sick leave with pay
- § 693a. Reservation of employment and reinstatement; conditions
- § 694. Penalties; application of plan
- § 695. Unlawful acts and penalties