People requesting a body piercer license shall submit to an examination, administered by the Department, to determine if they have the necessary knowledge of asepsis techniques that allows them to perform body piercing without placing the client’s health at risk.
(a) Each person applying for a license and for its renewal shall be required to have passed a course in each of the following areas:
(1) Care, storage and use of a body piercer’s equipment and instruments. This shall include sterilization, storage of sterilized equipment, resterilization, and the disposal of used needles and other equipment.
(2) Body piercing practices and procedures.
(3) Asepsis techniques and infection control.
(4) Center for Disease Control guidelines on universal precautions to prevent disease contagion or infections during, or related to, body piercing procedures.
(5) Any other course required by the Department by means of regulation.
(b) The examination to be administered by the Department shall include the areas or matters enumerated in subsection (a) of this section, with emphasis on the area of prevention and control of infection, and asepsis measures.
History —Feb. 8, 2003, No. 73, § 5, eff. 90 days after Feb. 8, 2003.