(a) For cancer prevention, control, and research, the Registry is hereby authorized to provide the minimum data to researchers and scientists that is necessary to answer the research question while preserving the confidentiality of both the patient and the reporting entities pursuant to the appropriate federal and Commonwealth laws.
(b) The Registry is hereby authorized to provide federal and Commonwealth entities that regulate cancer surveillance with the detailed information required for public policy and scientific research purposes after entering into a data sharing agreement pursuant to the appropriate federal and Commonwealth laws.
(c) The Registry is hereby authorized to conduct or commission other persons or organizations to conduct research on cancer risks and causes; perform cost, quality, efficacy, and relevance assessments on services and programs related to cancer prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation; and any other clinical, epidemiological, or cancer-related research using data of the Registry.
(d) The Registry is hereby authorized to require any privileged information deemed necessary to complete cancer case data or conduct the aforementioned research from agencies, entities, insurers, or private or public institutions through any data sharing agreement needed.
History —July 30, 2010, No. 113, art. 8, §§ 1–4.