P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2971d

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2971d. Powers

The College of Veterinarians of Puerto Rico shall have the power to:

(a) Exist [in] perpetuity under this name.

(b) Sue and be sued as a legal entity.

(c) Hold and use a seal which it may alter at its volition.

(d) Acquire rights and assets, both movable and real, by donation, legacy, assessment among its members, purchase or any other means, and own, transfer, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of them.

(e) Appoint its directors, officials and officers.

(f) Adopt its bylaws which shall be binding on all the members and amend them in the way and according to the requirements enacted therein.

(g) To protect its members in the practice of their profession by the creation of pension funds, insurance systems and special funds, or succor in any other way those who are retired due to physical disability or advanced age, or who suffer from an accident or disease and the heirs and beneficiaries of those who pass away.

(h) Receive and investigate sworn complaints filed with regard to the conduct of the members in the practice of their profession and violations of this chapter remitting them to the Board of Directors for action, and after a preliminary hearing in which the interested party or his representative is given an opportunity to be heard, if just cause is found, institute the proper procedure to discipline the person involved. Nothing provided in this subsection shall be construed in the sense of changing or limiting the power of the Board of Examiners of Veterinary Medicine, which may on its own accord initiate investigations with regard to violations of this chapter, as well as of §§ 2951 et seq. of this title, as well as to receive and investigate complaints with regard to the conduct of the members in the practice of the profession.

(i) To exercise the incidental powers that are necessary or convenient for the purposes of its creation and operation that are not in contravention with the provisions of this chapter.

(j) Adopt or implement the rules of professional ethics which shall govern the conduct of veterinarians.

(k) Assume the representation of all veterinarians licensed by the Board of Examiners of Veterinary Medicine to practice the profession in Puerto Rico, and to talk in behalf of and in their representation, pursuant to the terms of this chapter and the bylaws approved thereunder.

(l) Establish continuous education courses for the members of the College of Veterinarians of Puerto Rico.

History —July 10, 1986, No. 107, p. 340, § 8.