P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 203k

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 203k. Application for license and right to nursing examination—Generally

(a) Any person who files an application for a license to practice nursing in Puerto Rico shall submit an official written certification to the Board indicating that he/she has completed the requirements of a nursing program at an educational institution recognized or accredited by the Council on Higher Education, or by the Department of Education, as pertinent.

(b) Once the person has shown that he meets the legal requirements for admission to the examination, he/she shall pay twenty-five dollars ($25) in postal or bank money order, a certified check, drawn to the order of the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, as a fee for that examination and application for a license as general or associate female or male nurse. Practical female or male nurses shall pay fifteen dollars ($15). The funds collected by this process shall be covered into the Health Fund, created by Act No. 26 of November 13, 1975, known as the “Health Facilities and Services Administration of Puerto Rico Act”, for the exclusive use of the Board of Female and Male Nurse Examiners.

(c) The candidate shall submit to examination on those subject matters determined by the Board in its regulations and in accordance with the previously recognized or accredited study programs. If he/she [passes] the examination or examinations, as the case may be, the Board shall grant a license to practice nursing in Puerto Rico.

History —Oct. 11, 1987, No. 9, p. 956, § 13; July 23, 1998, No. 161, § 2.