P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2105g
The members of the Association shall pay annual dues which shall be fixed in the regulations. When a change in the dues is to be considered, it shall be included in the assembly’s convocation as one of the matters to be considered, and the same shall be approved through an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2 / 3) of the members present after the quorum established by regulations has been constituted. This proposed change in dues shall be informed to all the members of the Association not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the assembly.
All members of the Association must pay their dues within a term of thirty (30) days after receiving the notice of payment. After the term has elapsed, and without verification of payment, a complaint shall be filed before the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Dental Technicians which shall officially advise the respondent of the procedure filed against him. If the member refuses to pay the dues he owes the Association, the Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Dental Technicians shall proceed to suspend his license until he pays the total amount of the debt.
Any member who does not pay his annual dues shall be suspended as a member of the Association even though he is otherwise qualified as a member thereof; Provided, however, That during the suspension period he may not practice his profession nor enjoy the rights and benefits corresponding to the members of the Association.
History —July 3, 1986, No. 64, p. 218, § 10.