P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 1055

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1055. Suspension of the occupational therapy practice

The failure to pay the annual fees by any member of the College as of the deadline for such payment, as established in the bylaws, shall entail the suspension of membership to the College and the suspension of the license to practice the profession, which shall be decreed by the Board upon request by the College. The procedure for these suspensions shall be established in the bylaws by the Board and its final decision may be reviewed judicially at the request of the person adversely affected thereby, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 of Act No. 137, as amended [sic], and in §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “Uniform Administrative Procedures Act of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”. Said person shall not practice the profession for the duration of the suspension, but the Board shall restore him/her completely once the person pays the total debt. Temporary suspensions or permanent revocations that are final and binding as decreed by the Board against any occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant and for the causes established in the code of ethics shall also entail the automatic suspension of the member of the College for the duration of the suspension or revocation decreed by the Board. For such purposes, the Board shall officially notify the College in writing of every suspension or revocation decreed within a term of not more than five workdays.

History —Dec. 11, 2007, No. 183, § 14.