The dental assistant’s license shall be issued every four (4) years, renewable for a like term, without examination, upon payment of a two-dollar ($2) internal revenue voucher for renewal fee.
If a dental assistant fails to renew his license, same shall be suspended by the Board of Dental Examiners but he may rehabilitate himself as such by paying the renewal fee, plus a surcharge of two dollars ($2) through an internal revenue voucher.
After a period of four (4) years, on and from the date of expiration of the license, without same having been renewed, the dental assistant shall comply with all the qualifications required by §§ 81—94u of this title for person applying for a license for the first time.
History —Aug. 8, 1925, No. 75, p. 550, added as § 14LL on June 23, 1971, No. 74, p. 216, § 5, eff. 60 days after June 23, 1971.