P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 857

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§ 857. Board—Powers

The Board shall have the power to:

(a) Have and use a seal, which shall be altered at will.

(b) Draft and adopt their regulations for the administration of this chapter, including, but not limited to:

(1) Meetings or sessions of the Board.

(2) Investigation proceedings and holding of administrative hearings relative to the behavior of the aspiring candidates or holders of licenses, granted by virtue of this chapter.

(3) The requirement of continuing education courses for the renewal of the license issued by virtue of this chapter.

(4) The quality of the behavior in the practice of the profession, as well as integrity, competence and responsibility towards customers and employers.

(5) Ways to use the license issued pursuant to this chapter.

(6) Examinations to be approved for the practice of the profession.

(7) Any other regulation necessary for the implementation of this chapter.

(c) Guarantee the public relations agent license to any person who meets the requirements of this chapter and the regulations thereunder.

(d) Promote investigations on the performance of the practitioners of the public relations agent profession.

(e) To deny or revoke any license issued by virtue of this chapter, if it is determined that an aspiring candidate to the practice of the public relations profession or any licensed public relations agent lacks good reputation, as defined by this chapter. In the event that the Board revokes or denies a license on these grounds, it shall notify the person in writing about his/her right to appeal within a term of thirty (30) days as of the date of notice to the Court of Appeals.

(f) Guarantee that the education requirement is met prior to the issuance of the license.

(g) Grant certifications, which shall have a term of effectiveness of four (4) years, to credit the continuing education courses so as to guarantee knowledge in matters of public relations, as well as of communications theories and practice, and in any other matters that the Board may include.

(h) Report before a court with competence any act or practice incurred by a public or private person or company which may constitute a violation of this chapter. To request or file an injunction or any legal action necessary to stop said practice.

(i) Keep a book of minutes of all the issues on their meetings, proceedings, decisions and resolutions. Likewise, it shall organize its files, so that all its documents, records and accounts are conserved, pursuant to §§ 1001—1013 of Title 3.

(j) Keep an official register which shall contain a list with the corresponding number of all licenses granted as an authorization to practice the public relations agent profession.

History —Aug. 8, 2008, No. 204, § 4.