P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 546m

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 546m. Powers and responsibilities

The Association shall have, without being limited to, the following powers and responsibilities:

(a) To maximize its efforts to enhance the honor and dignity of the optics profession, and to disclose, increase and honor said image by all means within its reach.

(b) To contribute to the permanence, progress and furtherance of the optics profession in Puerto Rico, as well as of those crafts and industries related to same, and to publish and circulate newspapers, magazines, books, articles and printed material, and prepare or sponsor and present programs about optics utilizing any of the existing communications media.

(c) To give orientations to the citizenry about the optics profession.

(d) To render the reports and advice requested by the Government and cooperate with the municipal, state and federal governments and their agencies, public instrumentalities and regulating organisms in all matters pertaining to optics that are of mutual interest or to the benefit of the public in general.

(e) To protect the optics profession and opticians, defending their rights and challenging all acts that are detrimental to the profession, including resorting to the courts against those persons natural or juridical who are responsible for or originate such acts, and to intervene, if deemed appropriate, in those matters pertaining to the optics profession, or with opticians who warrant the participation of the Board of Directors, according to the latter.

(f) To promote good relations among its members, with the entities and associations of other professions.

(g) To establish the headquarters of the Opticians Association of Puerto Rico.

(h) To arrange for the offering of study programs and continued education courses for its members with accredited universities. Such courses shall have the endorsement of the Board of Examiners.

(i) To obtain group life insurance policies, health insurance, retirement, pension and disability plans in behalf of its members.

(j) To further legislation or arrange for amendments to the legislation that governs admissions to and the practice of optics in Puerto Rico, and to oversee that said legislation continues to promote the progress and development of the optics profession and practice.

(k) To maintain a high level of professionalism and professional ethics among the members, and to denounce any devious practice of the optics profession.

History —Sept. 3, 2003, No. 245, § 15.