P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 21

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 21. Regulation

The Examining Boards attached to the Executive Branch of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that administer and require the approval of revalidation examinations for the practice of a profession in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, must provide the applicants at least two (2) months before the examination date, the information and the documents described below:

(a) A revalidation examination notice stating the entity that will prepare and administer the examination, the date, duration, schedule and the instructions to be followed during the administration of the exam.

(b) A manual for the applicant that includes the standards, regulations of conduct, and procedures that will govern the administering of the revalidation examination. It shall also include a succinct description of the profession, the legal requirements for the practice of the profession, the licensing procedure and the purpose of the revalidation examination. It shall also contain a detailed description of the contents of the examination including the total number of questions and their nature; the approximate point value of each question or part thereof, and if said value depends upon a weighting procedure; the methodology of its preparation; the design and the relationship of questions; the form of answering multiple choice questions or discussion questions, if any; the passing grade; the language in which the revalidation examination shall be administered and, whether it is possible to answer it in Spanish or English languages, regardless of the language in which the examination is written. It shall also include the rules applicable to those cases that the applicants should have to leave the examination or any of its parts, establishing that if the applicant is unable to complete the examination because of a medical emergency, he may request that the examination not be taken into account, including with the request, a medical certification that includes information to such effects. The conduct prohibited during the administration of the examination shall also be described, beyond those that are prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. A notice shall be included on the availability of first aid kits and paramedic personnel in the place where the examination is being administered, besides indicating the procedure to be followed in the event of a general emergency such as a fire or earthquake.

(c) A specifications table shall be handed to the applicants with the index of subjects and topics to be examined during the revalidation. The total of the subjects to be examined shall be included in the specifications.

(d) The applicant’s manual shall include the procedure to be followed to request the review of the revalidation examination in the event it was failed. In such a procedure, the applicants may inspect a copy of the correction guide used to correct their discussion questions and a copy of the written answers. In the case of multiple-choice questions, it is understood that since they are part of a pool of questions that can be used again, a copy is not given to the applicants, and that only a numeric list of the questions, correct answers, the applicant’s answers and point value, is given to the applicants so that they may verify whether the answer sheet was properly graded. The total cost of requesting the review of the examination cannot be greater than one half of the cost of repeating the examination.

(e) Notice shall be given of the day that the results of the examination will be posted. An explanation of the procedure, fees, documents and information required for licensing after the revalidation, shall also be included. Finally, some general guidelines will be given to the applicants recommending them on how to prepare for the examination.

History —Apr. 10, 2003, No. 107, § 2, eff. 30 days after Apr. 10, 2003.