P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 326

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§ 326. Board—Quorum, bylaws, etc

Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute quorum and the vacancy or absence of two (2) of its members shall not affect the power of the three (3) remaining members to exercise all the powers and functions delegated to the Board. All agreements of the Board shall be reached by the vote of a simple majority of the Board members present.

The Board shall elect a chairperson and an alternate chairperson from among its members. The Alternate Chairperson of the Board shall exercise the function of the Chairperson whenever the latter is temporarily absent. The Board shall adopt regulations for its internal operation and shall hold a regular session at least once a month to conduct all its official affairs. It shall also hold any special meeting it may deem necessary, after issuing a summons to that effect to all its members at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.

History —Aug. 31, 2000, No. 258, § 7.