P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 6030

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 6030. License—Denial, suspension or revocation

The Board may deny, suspend or revoke a license, upon notice, or hearing, to any natural person who:

(a) Has practiced or is practicing as a roof waterproofing, coating or repair contractor without having met the requirements of the Department of Consumer Affairs of Puerto Rico and/or the Board.

(b) Was found guilty of fraud or deceit in the documents presented to the Board as a requirement to obtain the license.

(c) Was found guilty of fraud or deceit in the practice as roof waterproofing, coating and repair contractor in Puerto Rico or in any other jurisdiction.

(d) Incurred, in the judgment of the Board, gross negligence in the practice of the activity hereby regulated.

(e) Was convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor that involves moral depravity.

(f) Has been found to be mentally disabled by a competent court or it is established before the Board, through medical expertise, that he or she is disabled to practice as a contractor in the roof waterproofing, coating and repair activity. Provided, That the same may be granted as soon as the person presents reliable proof of his/her complete rehabilitation.

(g) Has not complied with all tax obligations or with his/her responsibility of paying child support in the cases that apply.

History —Sept. 1, 2000, No. 281, § 12.